Aye, downed the Big Bad now. And ventured into his hiding place again and cleared everything except for the Council and the Betrayer in one go. Loot? I have the [Lightbringer Chestpiece] and the [Lightbringer Pauldrons] now! Happy girl (well, boy, but the girl is a girl... err). Now, for some Sunwell Plateau next week after clearing the Black Temple again...
And gah, this sucks. Armory isn't updating, and I have a new cloak, two pieces of Tier 6, I am "Hand of A'dal" instead of "Champion of the Naaru", a new belt... and none of it shows so far.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
We were not prepared!
Last night my guild went into Black Temple, and for the first time ever in the guilds history we ventured to the very top. We had first kills of Reliquary of Souls, Mother Shahraz and the Illidary Council, after having guild firsts of Teron Gorefiend and Gurtogg Bloodboil the week before. 3.0.2 is really making this easy for us, although after seeing how easily we downed Naj'entus, Supremus and Shade of Akama before the patch I think that maybe we should have simpy gone there earlier, and we might have gotten further a lot earlier as well...
I also got my [Shroud of the Final Stand] yesterday, sadly before we downed any of the bosses, so I couldn't Need on a T6 token ;) But then, the cloak is a clear upgrade to my old Prince cloak as well, or I would not have needed anyway. Ever since I saw it on the paladin of my (now) ex I wanted it for me as well.
We also did three or four attempts at Illidan himself, but we only barely entered phase three. Seems we need to practice not dying to the fire from the elementals a little more. We had them enrage due to them getting to far from their warglaives, it seems. Ah well, tuesday is part two.
I also got my [Shroud of the Final Stand] yesterday, sadly before we downed any of the bosses, so I couldn't Need on a T6 token ;) But then, the cloak is a clear upgrade to my old Prince cloak as well, or I would not have needed anyway. Ever since I saw it on the paladin of my (now) ex I wanted it for me as well.
We also did three or four attempts at Illidan himself, but we only barely entered phase three. Seems we need to practice not dying to the fire from the elementals a little more. We had them enrage due to them getting to far from their warglaives, it seems. Ah well, tuesday is part two.
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