Saturday, December 20, 2008
There we go again
Last night I started raiding in WotLK, this time as retribution! I had signed for a 10 men Naxxramas, but was only on standby, and therefore was in the middle of a Heroic Utgarde Keep when the raid leader whispered me I was in, someone who was on the main queue was a no-show. Uhm. Being me, I simply whispered back that I was now where I was, and that I was sorry. It helps to be the only raid-worthy paladin in the guild at the moment and be on good terms with the raid leadership, because what I got back was "Oh, don't worry, we can start with 9". Twenty minutes and [Staggering Legplates] later I was inside Naxx. Was quite fun, although it feels very different from Karazhan. I don't mean that one is a castle and the other a Necropolis, but just the flow and size of it. Well, I bet I will get used to it. Walked away with [Shoulderplates of Bloodshed] (won a Need roll) and [Helm of the Corrupted Mind] (dropped afterwards, no other paladin in raid). Lucky me!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
It's the RAM, baby!
Ever since Wrath of the Lich King came out, my game experience has suffered from (sometimes very) very low framerates, alt-tabbing to Firefox taking up to 5 minutes, and the known phenomenon that flying in or out of Dalaran just hangs the game a lot. As in, unplayable at lot. Well, I just put in 4 GB of RAM into the machine instead of 2 GB, and lo and behold - all of this is gone. I fly up to Dalaran, land, mount my charger, and ride off, without an hickups. And then I alt-tab to Firefox, check a quest on Wowhead, and am back in the game seconds later. I really hadn't thought it was only the RAM, but it seems it was. And yes, this is on Vista 64, before you ask. That OS can indeed use 4 GB.
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