Monday, June 23, 2008

More trollish loot for the girl

I recently had some nice luck: I did three ZA runs with my guild, and on the first run I got the [Mask of Introspection], and on the second run the [Chestguard of Hidden Purpose] and the [Enamelled Disc of Mojo]. On the third run (which my ex-girlfriend tanked for us, thanks!) I also got the [Girdle of Stromgarde's Hope]. All in all I am now really nicely equipped, together with the badges mace [Gavel of Naaru Blessings]. On one of the runs I also got the Fury plate boots and the priest healing necklace, the last which finally replaced my old blue necklace from that quest chain in Blade's Edge Mountains.

Now I am pondering what to buy from my remaining badges. I tend to the nice new plate pants, but I am not sure yet. Currently I have the T5 legs, and the gap between those two is not that big, I'd even lose spell crit... But i'd gain some nice amount of Stamina, and that would come in handy in our upcoming forays into Black Temple...