My guild started running Naxxramas Heroic some weeks ago, and as I had anticipated, I was asked (required?) to come as Healadin again. I had offered, and I don't mind healing at all, so I am good, actually. On the first two runs I grabbed quite a lot of gear, both healing plate and [Life And Death] that I went pretty deep into DKP minus and therefore haven't managed to snatch some T7 tokens at all now, but I would say me gear is rather good at the moment.
Just last night I grabbed the [Chestplate of the Great Aspects] (yes, I know, not really Naxxramas, but we started the raid day by quickly clearing The Obsidian Sanctum in 15 minutes) and also the [Cloak of Averted Crisis]. The cloak is not ideally itemised, since I would rather have a solid mixture of Crit and Haste than Mp5, but then there are not really any cloaks like that, I think, and it was a very solid upgrade over my old [Cloak of the Darkcaster].
Still very much in the negative DKPs now, but faring very well. All in all, raiding is fun again - we are only lacking a Malygos kill now in our guild and Sartharion + X.
Additionally, I finally managed to explore the last areas of Kalimdor this weekend, mainly "elephant kingdom" (i.e. Azuremyst Isle and Bloodmyst Isle), so I am now Lisandra the Explorer and not Lisandra, Hand of A'dal anymore. "Champion of the Frozen Wastes" will have to wait for that Malygos kill I mentioned earlier - that is the only thing I am missing.
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