I usually prefer 25 men raids over 10 men raids, just for the added people. It's just more going on everywhere - more chat, more avatars running over the screen. It just feels more alive.
But since the summer break my guild has not really gotten back into raiding (although we are slowly picking up again), and I have therefore more 10 men versions behind me than 25. Last night was such a case - we did a more or less impromptu Onyxia-10 run (impromptu because GC screwed up and posted different start times for different people, so we had to improvise for some spots), and when we were done, it was 20:00. Well. Early. Three people had to go then, for RL reasons.
"Anyone for a TotC-10 wipefest? Need healer and tank and dps". And ten minutes later we were on our way to the Tournament Grounds. Where we continued to have fun, really. It felt like our old progression raids in TBC for me. Sure, we were less people, and had even filled the OT spot with a good non-guildie, but the atmosphere and the overall communication when a wipe happened were just like back then. Most of us had already completed TotC-10, and in TotC-25 we are only missing Anub'arak, but we still wiped some times, and did tactics talks. But it felt... more real than blasting though Naxx-10 or even Ulduar-10, and I even got new pants ;)
All in all, a very successful evening for the little missus - 3 lootz, and awesome experience, for the fun of raiding itself. Hope more of this comes our way...
Friday, October 30, 2009
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