Off to spend the rest of the holidays with my girlfriend and her family, but I just thought right before I leave I could leave some words here...
Last night I finished the first wing of Icecrown Citadel 10, seeing Lady Deathwhisper for the first time... after wiping on her for two hours the night before in 25, we took her down on our second try now, and only due to some mistakes during the first try. The two fights barely resemble each other, it seems. On 10, it is rather easy, moderate healing, 3 adds or so around, and the mana shield goes down fast. On 25, not so much. 6 adds all the time, usually, 3 tanks couldn't cope with them, dps was so intent on nuking adds that mana shield was hardly going down. We managed to get it down to 15% or so in our best try, but that is still a long way to go. I don't know, I'd prefer it for balance sake, if 10 and 25 were more or less equal in terms of difficulty, but then you couldn't have the bigger version have better loot, and most people wouldn't bother to sign for that anymore, I guess. But that difference was more between a normal and a hard mode, not 10 vs 25...
Oh, and I am also a Twilight Vanquisher now, finally found a PUG for zerging it. Yay! Been waiting ages for that, almost logging in every day and immediately setting my status to "LFG Sarth +3" in LFG tool...
Off now. So - happy holidays!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Raiding: 10 vs 25
I usually prefer 25 men raids over 10 men raids, just for the added people. It's just more going on everywhere - more chat, more avatars running over the screen. It just feels more alive.
But since the summer break my guild has not really gotten back into raiding (although we are slowly picking up again), and I have therefore more 10 men versions behind me than 25. Last night was such a case - we did a more or less impromptu Onyxia-10 run (impromptu because GC screwed up and posted different start times for different people, so we had to improvise for some spots), and when we were done, it was 20:00. Well. Early. Three people had to go then, for RL reasons.
"Anyone for a TotC-10 wipefest? Need healer and tank and dps". And ten minutes later we were on our way to the Tournament Grounds. Where we continued to have fun, really. It felt like our old progression raids in TBC for me. Sure, we were less people, and had even filled the OT spot with a good non-guildie, but the atmosphere and the overall communication when a wipe happened were just like back then. Most of us had already completed TotC-10, and in TotC-25 we are only missing Anub'arak, but we still wiped some times, and did tactics talks. But it felt... more real than blasting though Naxx-10 or even Ulduar-10, and I even got new pants ;)
All in all, a very successful evening for the little missus - 3 lootz, and awesome experience, for the fun of raiding itself. Hope more of this comes our way...
But since the summer break my guild has not really gotten back into raiding (although we are slowly picking up again), and I have therefore more 10 men versions behind me than 25. Last night was such a case - we did a more or less impromptu Onyxia-10 run (impromptu because GC screwed up and posted different start times for different people, so we had to improvise for some spots), and when we were done, it was 20:00. Well. Early. Three people had to go then, for RL reasons.
"Anyone for a TotC-10 wipefest? Need healer and tank and dps". And ten minutes later we were on our way to the Tournament Grounds. Where we continued to have fun, really. It felt like our old progression raids in TBC for me. Sure, we were less people, and had even filled the OT spot with a good non-guildie, but the atmosphere and the overall communication when a wipe happened were just like back then. Most of us had already completed TotC-10, and in TotC-25 we are only missing Anub'arak, but we still wiped some times, and did tactics talks. But it felt... more real than blasting though Naxx-10 or even Ulduar-10, and I even got new pants ;)
All in all, a very successful evening for the little missus - 3 lootz, and awesome experience, for the fun of raiding itself. Hope more of this comes our way...
Friday, October 2, 2009
Finally... I tanked Utgarde Pinnacle with Lisandra last night, since it was both the Daily Heroic and the Daily Dungeon, and we couldn't find a tank. Since my tanking gear is very adequate now, I said "why not" and respecced.
So yes, I tanked my first WotLK Heroic last night, and then even on a paladin (I tanked Heroics and the early raids in TBC with Vorgas, my warrior). We had one death from the Whirlwind on Skadi the Ruthless, but apart from that, it was a smooth ride. I might actually try and tank some more now, and also offer tanking a Naxxramas maybe. Was quite fun!
On a related note, we downed Onyxia (10) on the day the patch hit the servers, and I managed to grab the new Judgement Helm for Retribution Very nice item!
So yes, I tanked my first WotLK Heroic last night, and then even on a paladin (I tanked Heroics and the early raids in TBC with Vorgas, my warrior). We had one death from the Whirlwind on Skadi the Ruthless, but apart from that, it was a smooth ride. I might actually try and tank some more now, and also offer tanking a Naxxramas maybe. Was quite fun!
On a related note, we downed Onyxia (10) on the day the patch hit the servers, and I managed to grab the new Judgement Helm for Retribution Very nice item!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Dying in Fire: why?
Via Tobold I was directed to another blog today and read an excellent post about keyboard turning vs. mouse turning (the original article on Tobold's blog was about reflexes needed in WoW's combat for different classes and consequences of the class design, and the comments quickly latched onto an offhand remark that Tobold still uses the keyboard to turn). The blog post on Tales of the Aggronaut basically states that using the slower keyboard turning can very much be a cause for deaths in raids and therefore wipes, and goes on to explain how to master the better mouse turning. Tobold in his blog post (which is not a response to the other post, he just mentions it) goes on how WoW is an RPG and not an FPS, and therefore shouldn't need "twitchy" reflexes.
And that is where I fail to follow Tobold. See, WoW is generally called a MMORPG, which indeed has the letters R, P, and G in the genre. And I must say, yes, indeed, it is at least a G. It also lets you play a role within certain boundaries. But nowhere does it state on the box that you do not need reflexes, and for a very long time now computer roleplaying games try to move away from just copying pen and paper rulesets and instead use the different options that the medium computer provides (I also do not think that accumulating stats via leveling is what makes a game a roleplaying game, as many people think, so no, Diablo is not a roleplaying in my book, but hack'n'slash, but I disgress). Even Baldurs Gate had some semblance of real-time combat by making the original D&D rounds shorter and simply allowing you to (auto-)pause at certain events, like when your turn started etc. In an online game, that is not an option at all, so it more or less has to happen in real real-time - you cannot make the other players wait while you cannot decide if move A or move B is better now, or they would get bored silly, and not come again to play with you, and ultimately might leave the game, if situations like these happen too often.
Does that mean that the games are twitchy? Not at all. You usually have a second or two to get out of the fire, or cast a reactive heal, or target the mob heading for an overaggroing damage dealer, and time enough to react. Play a FPS and you will see that these are much less forgiving. But giving you some time to get out of the fire or whatever you need to do is just fine, even if you are Argos, stalwart and rightous defender of Stormwind, in your shiny golden armor. Roleplaying a character does not mean that your character does not have to move and say "But alas, this fire be burning hot!" first. Just get yer ass outta there please. Raids and Heroics an be fine for roleplaying, but only if the whole group agrees on the principle that RP > fight mechanics for the given run. If not, then sorry, but play the game. Or don't, if that doesn't float your boat (and yes, I used to be in a small roleplaying-only guild).
And back on the topic of mouse turning - it is not hard to learn, really. A friend of mine who came from Doom and transitioned to Quake back then finished the whole game with keyboard turning, not even realizing there was an option to use the mouse. On our first Quake-based lan party we just collectively wiped the floor with him. Now, he is an even better FPS player than me, simply because he said "whoa, I didn't even know that was possible, lemme try it before next time." And he tried, and lo, he mastered. Especially since there is not much to master. Just use the mouse, and there you go. As others have said, tweak the sensitivity. Play with the key and mouse button bindings. Check if inverting the mouse helps (moving the mouse away from you, is that "look up" or "look down"?). But give up on the whole concept of much improved spatial awareness because you couldn't be bothered to learn it for an hour or three? You miss out on so much that follow...
And that is where I fail to follow Tobold. See, WoW is generally called a MMORPG, which indeed has the letters R, P, and G in the genre. And I must say, yes, indeed, it is at least a G. It also lets you play a role within certain boundaries. But nowhere does it state on the box that you do not need reflexes, and for a very long time now computer roleplaying games try to move away from just copying pen and paper rulesets and instead use the different options that the medium computer provides (I also do not think that accumulating stats via leveling is what makes a game a roleplaying game, as many people think, so no, Diablo is not a roleplaying in my book, but hack'n'slash, but I disgress). Even Baldurs Gate had some semblance of real-time combat by making the original D&D rounds shorter and simply allowing you to (auto-)pause at certain events, like when your turn started etc. In an online game, that is not an option at all, so it more or less has to happen in real real-time - you cannot make the other players wait while you cannot decide if move A or move B is better now, or they would get bored silly, and not come again to play with you, and ultimately might leave the game, if situations like these happen too often.
Does that mean that the games are twitchy? Not at all. You usually have a second or two to get out of the fire, or cast a reactive heal, or target the mob heading for an overaggroing damage dealer, and time enough to react. Play a FPS and you will see that these are much less forgiving. But giving you some time to get out of the fire or whatever you need to do is just fine, even if you are Argos, stalwart and rightous defender of Stormwind, in your shiny golden armor. Roleplaying a character does not mean that your character does not have to move and say "But alas, this fire be burning hot!" first. Just get yer ass outta there please. Raids and Heroics an be fine for roleplaying, but only if the whole group agrees on the principle that RP > fight mechanics for the given run. If not, then sorry, but play the game. Or don't, if that doesn't float your boat (and yes, I used to be in a small roleplaying-only guild).
And back on the topic of mouse turning - it is not hard to learn, really. A friend of mine who came from Doom and transitioned to Quake back then finished the whole game with keyboard turning, not even realizing there was an option to use the mouse. On our first Quake-based lan party we just collectively wiped the floor with him. Now, he is an even better FPS player than me, simply because he said "whoa, I didn't even know that was possible, lemme try it before next time." And he tried, and lo, he mastered. Especially since there is not much to master. Just use the mouse, and there you go. As others have said, tweak the sensitivity. Play with the key and mouse button bindings. Check if inverting the mouse helps (moving the mouse away from you, is that "look up" or "look down"?). But give up on the whole concept of much improved spatial awareness because you couldn't be bothered to learn it for an hour or three? You miss out on so much that follow...
- click to move: you right click on terrain and your character moves to that location. Doesn't really work if you cannot move the camera around (and camera moving is exactly the same as mouse turning, only a different button pressed)
- instant turning: you look into a different direction that your character is facing, and press the left and right mouse button at the same time. I can't even understand how you want to get away from say Murmur in time if you don't use that. Or rather, now that I am made aware that people actually use the keyboard to turn I am finally able to understand why PUGs wiped there so often...
- looking and running in different directions. Yes, I (the healer) run towards the boss / away from incoming AOE / out of the fire while facing the tank to see if he gets hammered by cool-boss-ability before I see a drop in his health bar. It helps a lot in my spatial awareness if I can control my toon with all possible input devices, and not just one.
Monday, August 24, 2009
The news are old news already, since it has been two or three days now - the next WoW expansion has been announced: Cataclysm. It will not be a new world like in TBC or WotLK, but instead only some new zones in Azeroth and Eastern Kingdoms, and - and this is the big one - every single one of the old zones will be reworked, since the story is the Deathwing has wrecked havoc with the old world, and death and chaos is everywhere. Torn earth, magma streams, floods, you name it. With it comes flying in the old world.
This also means that all quests and quests NPCs get revisited, since this change is not accomplished via phasing, but with a real reworking of the old continent, so everyone, even those who do not buy the expansion, will get the reworked zones. I wonder what this means for achievements such as Explorer or Loremaster... also, since I never got around to some of it or since it really has been a while, I will now finally level my alliance paladin to endgame and try to get my low level horde druid to reasonable levels as well...
This also means that all quests and quests NPCs get revisited, since this change is not accomplished via phasing, but with a real reworking of the old continent, so everyone, even those who do not buy the expansion, will get the reworked zones. I wonder what this means for achievements such as Explorer or Loremaster... also, since I never got around to some of it or since it really has been a while, I will now finally level my alliance paladin to endgame and try to get my low level horde druid to reasonable levels as well...
Saturday, July 18, 2009
After much grinding, I just got my Crusader title today! I really want that new Argent Charger when 3.2 hits, and that meant I had to go for lots of money, several new titles (Crusader, Ambassador, of all cities) and seeing the same parts of Northrend over and over again. But hey, I did it, and spammed the guild channel with five achievements in a row. Due to a misstiming, I didn't make seven, since I became Exalted with Sen'jin the day before...
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Since I mentioned it below somewhere, I now am Lisandra, Champion of the Frozen Wastes - we finally killed Malygos (several times now actually). The first killed was definitely the most fun one. 13 or 14 wipes, and then on the next try he died from the dots seconds after the last of us died ;) So we all had to run back in to loot...
The next week we needed some tries as well to get back into the mood, but on the actual kill we didn't have any death at all... strange :)
We also managed to clear Naxx25 in one raid, so in roughly 3 hours. I don't know if we started some minutes early, but we ended at the planned end time, so there. Easily clearable.
And regarding T7.5 loot - I know have the shoulders for both the Holy and the Retribution set, so long as no one else rolls for the gear, I can grab some stuff, even with my DKP ;)
On a semi-related note, my raid attendance has been a little low the last days since I have a new girlfriend now, so this weird RL stuff is getting in the way. Might have to get used to that now again after such a long time :)
The next week we needed some tries as well to get back into the mood, but on the actual kill we didn't have any death at all... strange :)
We also managed to clear Naxx25 in one raid, so in roughly 3 hours. I don't know if we started some minutes early, but we ended at the planned end time, so there. Easily clearable.
And regarding T7.5 loot - I know have the shoulders for both the Holy and the Retribution set, so long as no one else rolls for the gear, I can grab some stuff, even with my DKP ;)
On a semi-related note, my raid attendance has been a little low the last days since I have a new girlfriend now, so this weird RL stuff is getting in the way. Might have to get used to that now again after such a long time :)
Friday, February 20, 2009
Loot pinata
Last night we pretty much ran through Naxxramas-25. We didn't clear it, Thaddius and the last two bosses are still alive, but everything else was pretty much oneshotted. We even got The Safety Dance, and that in our guild, which is usually very movement impaired (and also very tongue-in-cheek about it as well). I started off with some positive DKP, and then snatched Chains of Adoration, Mantle of the Lost Conqueror, Epaulets of the Grieving Servant (yes, before the token, obviously), Forethought Talisman, and Shield of Assimilation... I now must be soo deep in the minus, I will never get another item... and yes, our loot master was giggling at the end, since it was a little ridiculous, one single person going home with five items in one DKP run. Ah well, my gear level is only improving.
I have banked the T7.5 shoulders for the moment though, since the Epaulets are very good as well already, and come dual specc I might need a good set of shoulders for that as well. Since first tokens always cost full DKP in our guild anyway it doesn't matter, I just have to decide on the set bonus. And for Holy this is my first piece, so it is not a pressing matter (on Retribution I already have the T7 breastplate from Normal Naxxramas). It is just that the Retribution set is itemized very badly (Haste?), so I might just get four pieces of the Holy set (after getting the chestplate from Obsidian Sanctum I will not roll on the T7.5 breastplate and try to get the other pieces).
I have banked the T7.5 shoulders for the moment though, since the Epaulets are very good as well already, and come dual specc I might need a good set of shoulders for that as well. Since first tokens always cost full DKP in our guild anyway it doesn't matter, I just have to decide on the set bonus. And for Holy this is my first piece, so it is not a pressing matter (on Retribution I already have the T7 breastplate from Normal Naxxramas). It is just that the Retribution set is itemized very badly (Haste?), so I might just get four pieces of the Holy set (after getting the chestplate from Obsidian Sanctum I will not roll on the T7.5 breastplate and try to get the other pieces).
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Raid preparation
Yesterday I finally got the Fall of Naxxramas achievement on Heroic since I was finally present for a Sapphiron kill. Still, it took us many tries even though the guild had completely cleared Naxxramas on Heroic before (where I just was not present).
Yesterday was problematic because several raid members did not have the required raid addons installed, which in case of our guild are Omen, BigWigs or DeadlyBossMods, and oRa2 and therefore wiped us on Sapphiron due to standing too close to other raiders (who tried to wiggle free and called names out on TS, to no avail). Yes, I highlighted that word up there for a purpose. I also distinctly remember several raids back in T6 content where the raid leader checked for installed addons and there was much swearing and yelling on TeamSpeak. Yesterday though some of those raiders that did not have the addons installed did not even know what they were for ("no, I do not use BigWigs, I use Omen" - "Omen is a threat meter, not a raid warnings addon..." - "Oh...").
For me it is rather difficult to understand how you want to progress in 25 men raid content without these addons. Of course it is possible, especially proximity might be something you can learn to just visually identify, but additionally I see this as a lack of respect. Even if we are labelling ourselves as casual raiders a little consideration and respect for your fellow raiders is not too much to ask for. Casual means, at least in my eyes, that we do have cigarette breaks every so often, that we don't always raid with the same 25 raiders, that we do boss explanations for new people instead of just pointing to tactic guides. It does not mean that everybody can just come in quest greens, without any consumables, and hope that it will just work out somehow, especially now that in WotLK everything has gotten cheaper (Flasks go for roughly the same amoiunt of gold on the AH on our server than they did during BC, but you can make much more gold per hour), and heroic gear is rather easy to obtain as well. Reading the "Required addons for raiding" thread on our forums isn't to hard as well in my opinion.
I know that other casuals see it the same way, after reading some blogs over the past months. I just don't get why there are still people out there who (in this special case at least) are really not new to the game or the guild and just don't think about this. I mean, if you missed the thread on the forum, you should have stated that you didn't find any info, is there anything required? Anything to at least show you were thinking about the raid as something where you can work together in a team toward a common goal and have fun and not just be there while others pull you through... because yes, I am here to have fun, and wiping because you couldn't be arsed to install a mandatory addon is not fun for me.
Rant over...
Yesterday was problematic because several raid members did not have the required raid addons installed, which in case of our guild are Omen, BigWigs or DeadlyBossMods, and oRa2 and therefore wiped us on Sapphiron due to standing too close to other raiders (who tried to wiggle free and called names out on TS, to no avail). Yes, I highlighted that word up there for a purpose. I also distinctly remember several raids back in T6 content where the raid leader checked for installed addons and there was much swearing and yelling on TeamSpeak. Yesterday though some of those raiders that did not have the addons installed did not even know what they were for ("no, I do not use BigWigs, I use Omen" - "Omen is a threat meter, not a raid warnings addon..." - "Oh...").
For me it is rather difficult to understand how you want to progress in 25 men raid content without these addons. Of course it is possible, especially proximity might be something you can learn to just visually identify, but additionally I see this as a lack of respect. Even if we are labelling ourselves as casual raiders a little consideration and respect for your fellow raiders is not too much to ask for. Casual means, at least in my eyes, that we do have cigarette breaks every so often, that we don't always raid with the same 25 raiders, that we do boss explanations for new people instead of just pointing to tactic guides. It does not mean that everybody can just come in quest greens, without any consumables, and hope that it will just work out somehow, especially now that in WotLK everything has gotten cheaper (Flasks go for roughly the same amoiunt of gold on the AH on our server than they did during BC, but you can make much more gold per hour), and heroic gear is rather easy to obtain as well. Reading the "Required addons for raiding" thread on our forums isn't to hard as well in my opinion.
I know that other casuals see it the same way, after reading some blogs over the past months. I just don't get why there are still people out there who (in this special case at least) are really not new to the game or the guild and just don't think about this. I mean, if you missed the thread on the forum, you should have stated that you didn't find any info, is there anything required? Anything to at least show you were thinking about the raid as something where you can work together in a team toward a common goal and have fun and not just be there while others pull you through... because yes, I am here to have fun, and wiping because you couldn't be arsed to install a mandatory addon is not fun for me.
Rant over...
Monday, February 2, 2009
Back as Holy
My guild started running Naxxramas Heroic some weeks ago, and as I had anticipated, I was asked (required?) to come as Healadin again. I had offered, and I don't mind healing at all, so I am good, actually. On the first two runs I grabbed quite a lot of gear, both healing plate and [Life And Death] that I went pretty deep into DKP minus and therefore haven't managed to snatch some T7 tokens at all now, but I would say me gear is rather good at the moment.
Just last night I grabbed the [Chestplate of the Great Aspects] (yes, I know, not really Naxxramas, but we started the raid day by quickly clearing The Obsidian Sanctum in 15 minutes) and also the [Cloak of Averted Crisis]. The cloak is not ideally itemised, since I would rather have a solid mixture of Crit and Haste than Mp5, but then there are not really any cloaks like that, I think, and it was a very solid upgrade over my old [Cloak of the Darkcaster].
Still very much in the negative DKPs now, but faring very well. All in all, raiding is fun again - we are only lacking a Malygos kill now in our guild and Sartharion + X.
Additionally, I finally managed to explore the last areas of Kalimdor this weekend, mainly "elephant kingdom" (i.e. Azuremyst Isle and Bloodmyst Isle), so I am now Lisandra the Explorer and not Lisandra, Hand of A'dal anymore. "Champion of the Frozen Wastes" will have to wait for that Malygos kill I mentioned earlier - that is the only thing I am missing.
Just last night I grabbed the [Chestplate of the Great Aspects] (yes, I know, not really Naxxramas, but we started the raid day by quickly clearing The Obsidian Sanctum in 15 minutes) and also the [Cloak of Averted Crisis]. The cloak is not ideally itemised, since I would rather have a solid mixture of Crit and Haste than Mp5, but then there are not really any cloaks like that, I think, and it was a very solid upgrade over my old [Cloak of the Darkcaster].
Still very much in the negative DKPs now, but faring very well. All in all, raiding is fun again - we are only lacking a Malygos kill now in our guild and Sartharion + X.
Additionally, I finally managed to explore the last areas of Kalimdor this weekend, mainly "elephant kingdom" (i.e. Azuremyst Isle and Bloodmyst Isle), so I am now Lisandra the Explorer and not Lisandra, Hand of A'dal anymore. "Champion of the Frozen Wastes" will have to wait for that Malygos kill I mentioned earlier - that is the only thing I am missing.
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